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The Swift Playground You Wanted

Notepad.exe and this website is under construction Check out the [FAQ] section for answers to the most common questions

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Notepad.exe is used by thousands of developers from Apple, Facebook, Twitter and others, to run and organise their code.

I really dig the Notes Library and the ability to pin a window to the front. Love the included assist too. Cot does too little for me, Xcode is overkill for small things so I really love this. The website + the small yellow notes are so cute. We need more whimsical stuff. Thanks for making this!
It's an excellent small code editor to explore all your Swift ideas without launching an heavy IDE like Xcode And the option to create an image for quickly sharing a piece of code on social networks is just perfect!
Thomas Ricouard
I was really impressed with Marcin squeezing every drop of performance from Electron, only to learn Notepad.exe is a native app. With Marcin’s decades of experience building text components this lightweight IDE is great for putting together quick ideas to see what works. Where Xcode playground has to work *despite* Xcode’s years of legacy, Notepad.exe has a very promising future ahead of itself
Sash Zats
I’ve tried loads of Swift dev tools, and Notepad.exe is one of the few that hasn’t made it onto my naughty list. It’s fast, lightweight and refreshingly low-friction - allowing one to jump straight into experimenting with code snippets without distractions or unnecessary side-quests. It's exactly the Swift playground we've all been wanting.

Notepad.exe is a modern Mac programming companion that I created to help you write better code. It's like having a smart friend who's always ready to help with your coding challenges.

Key features:

Currently in private beta, I'm crafting Notepad.exe with love and attention to detail. I believe programming tools should be both powerful and delightful to use.

Q: How do I download Notepad.exe?
A: Distribution is by invitation only. Any invited person can invite others. Find someone. You can ask around. You can subscribe for updates.

Q: When will you support language X?
A: Sooner than later. We're starting with Swift, though, because we're classy like that.

Q: Can't I just use (insert tool you have an opinion about)?
A: Sure, why not? Go ahead and be a rebel!

Q: (Tool you have an opinion about) does it better.
A: That's fantastic news! More power to you and your tool-wielding skills!

Q: Why?
A: Because I can... and also because unicorns told me so.

Q: Is this Swift Studio?
A: No, but it might transform into one after midnight. Who knows?

Q: Why isn't it open source?
A: For very mysterious reasons, like protecting the last piece of grandma's secret pie recipe. Plus, parts are open source, so we're not total villains!

Q: I could build it over the weekend myself?
A: Go for it! Just make sure to send me a postcard when you're done.

Q: Why don't you just...?
A: Yes! Wait, what was the question again?

Q: It looks like CodeRunner with some AI sprinkled in?
A: Sure, and my toaster's a space shuttle. But hey, great detective work, Sherlock!

Q: Did anyone actually ask these questions?
A: Nope, but it feels good to pretend they did!

[ made by marcin ]

This site is best viewed in 800x600 resolution
Made with Notepad - Last updated: March 2025