Welcome to Notepad.exe - Best viewed on Macintosh!

Notepad.exe and website is under construction. I hope you enjoy it. Check out the [FAQ] section for answers to the most common questions.

Notepad.exe is used by thousands of developers from Apple, Meta and others, to run and organise their code.

got invite? download here

[ About ]

Notepad.exe is a modern Mac programming companion that I created to help you write better code. It's like having a smart friend who's always ready to help with your coding challenges.

Key features:

Currently in private beta, I'm crafting Notepad.exe with love and attention to detail. I believe programming tools should be both powerful and delightful to use.

[ FAQ ]

Q: How do I download Notepad.exe?
A: Distribution is by invitation only. Any invited person can invite others. Find someone. You can ask around.

Q: When will you support language X?
A: Sooner than later. We're starting with Swift, though, because we're classy like that.

Q: Can't I just use (insert tool you have an opinion about)?
A: Sure, why not? Go ahead and be a rebel!

Q: (Tool you have an opinion about) does it better.
A: That's fantastic news! More power to you and your tool-wielding skills!

Q: Why?
A: Because I can... and also because unicorns told me so.

Q: Is this Swift Studio?
A: No, but it might transform into one after midnight. Who knows?

Q: Why isn't it open source?
A: For very mysterious reasons, like protecting the last piece of grandma's secret pie recipe. Plus, parts are open source, so we're not total villains!

Q: I could build it over the weekend myself?
A: Go for it! Just make sure to send me a postcard when you're done.

Q: Why don't you just...?
A: Yes! Wait, what was the question again?

Q: It looks like CodeRunner with some AI sprinkled in?
A: Sure, and my toaster's a space shuttle. But hey, great detective work, Sherlock!

Q: Did anyone actually ask these questions?
A: Nope, but it feels good to pretend they did!

[ made by marcin ]

This site is best viewed in 800x600 resolution
Made with Notepad - Last updated: February 2025